Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Dogs of Fort Tryon

The dogs of Fort Tryon
Sup mince from a bowl,
They drink from fine china
On carpets they loll

They bound down the hillsides
With vigor unmatched,
They paw and they pout
Until butts are scratched

There's Ruby the robot
She'll twitch and she'll stare,
She walks on her tiptoes
Pretends you're not there

There's Barkley the pug
Who waddles so fat,
Eyes left and rightly
With ears like a bat

Chaz is a whippet
He leaps and he jumps,
He's known as a rogue
Who smells lots of rumps

Libah is frightened
She's just skin and bones,
Preferring the company
Of toys that she owns

Bella and Lilly
From Boston and France,
Will fight like the devil
If given the chance

See Bubba in harness
He snorts and he pulls,
His legs short and stocky
His chest like a bull's

Old Garbo is grumpy
Her hips get so sore,
Outside for mere seconds
She paws at the door

As hawks keen above them
They sniff and they bark,
Their goal for this evening
Chase woodchucks in the park

The dogs of Fort Tryon
Neurotic yet sweet,
Guaranteed to exhaust
Any Walker they meet
>>>>>Park Slope, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<Park Slope, Brooklyn>>>>

>>>>>Downtown, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<Boerum Hill, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<<Fort Greene, Brooklyn>>>

<<<Savannah, GA>>>

<<<Glasgow, Scotland<<<<

>>>Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn>>>>

Sunday, June 7, 2015

             The Ladies Escape

With whining starter, and groaning grumble
The Ladies did blink, like bats in Sunday hats,
Behind the din of the motorcar's rumble.

The wheels slowly turned (yes, mud was churned)
And Miss Reginald did note, clearing her throat,
Feelings of regret for the cognac she'd spurned.

"Ladies," she said, smoothing her skirts,
"Now that we're free, it is apparent to me
It's a good time to air our individual hurts."

The others nodded, Miss Galbraith, Miss Fossett,
But who would be first, for best or for worse
And once told, would dear sisters still cosset?

"He made me eat lox!" Miss Galbraith confessed.
"And soft, runny cheese, I begged him, oh please!
Still he made me eat greens--barely dressed!"

"His sweat was appalling!" Miss Fossett, she cried,
"From morning 'til noon, like an Asian typhoon
He dripped--but suggestions--he would not abide!"

Silence now reigned o'er the close motorcar
As the Ladies they waited, for she whom was fated
To reveal now her incidents so grossly bizarre.

"My consort was perfect," Miss Reginald, she said,
"From A to Z, kitchen to bedroom, acorn to tree,
So how was I to know one of us would end up dead?

"I may have continued in love, gay and untroubled,
But a letter arrived, by which someone contrived
To reveal sundry secrets--my anxieties doubled!

"'The husband you know,' the letter it read,
'Is not as he seems, even in your wildest dreams.
You could not imagine the many lives he has lead.'

"Enclosed was a photograph of a man at the shore.
It was my betrothed, but the way he was clothed
Was in the style of at least a century before!"

"Oh!" cried Miss Fossett, and jumped in her seat
While Miss Galibraith did gasp, as if seeing an asp
With fangs bared on the ground near her feet.

"I vowed to learn the truth on that very day,"
Miss Reginald did utter, with nary a stutter,
"When it came to secrets I could not remain blasé.

"I watched and I watched, nothing seemed amiss,
'Til one night he crept, while thinking I slept,
With a stealth that I could not easily dismiss.

"I waited in silence, and then followed behind.
Into the night did he slip, but couldn't outstrip
His pursuer--our two fates now so intertwined.

"He entered a barn, and I spied through a crack
Horses in their stalls--walls within walls--
Skittish as foxes, amongst mountains of tack.

"Without hesitation he approached a grey mare,
Who, while first agitated, quickly seemed sated
By a wave of his hand and a blank darkling stare.

"Then, producing a knife, he made a small cut
In the poor horse's flank, from then which he drank
Her blood, with a lustful relish akin to smut!

"In terror I fled from that grimly lit portal,
A pain in my soul, and an image made whole
Of a man who now seemed both ghoul--and immortal!"

Silence now reigned o'er the cramped motorcar
As the Ladies digested, and fought being bested
By the horrific tale which gripped them like tar.

"They had needs to be poisoned, we all did agree,
So let's continue our years, free from our fears,"
Miss Reginald declared with firm finality.

With turning wheels, and winds' whipped whine,
The Ladies did blink, like bats in Sunday hats,
As the motorcar whisked them down the line...

In a chilled drawing room three men now did sit.
They made not a sound, triple watches unwound,
Cold and lifeless, like shuttered lanterns unlit.

A teacup lay empty near each dead man's hand,
The only sound in the room, this unlikely tomb,
The tick, tick of a clock in an old wooden stand.

At twelve the clock spoke, how loudly it rang!
In the air palpitation, an anticipation
Of something unnatural, a sour, salty tang.

Mr. Reginald, he twitched now returning to life,
And within him a craving, just short of raving,
Pushed him up from his chair with an angry howl--


>>>>Bennet's Rest, Fort Tryon, Manhattan>>>>>>

<<<<<Lower East Side, Manhattan>>>>>

>>>>>Fort Tryon, Manhattan>>>>

<<<<Inwood, Manhattan>>>>>

<<<Uptown A Train, Manhattan<<<<<

<<<<Soho, Manhattan<<<<

>>>>Cobble Hill, Brooklyn>>>>>>>

Friday, January 9, 2015

 The Black Widow of the Pleiades

You'll never own me, she said, her synthesized voice echoing past his boots down her frigid, airless gangways.
Oh, you may have the access codes, the salvage rights,
But I've already ejected
(Or should I say buried?)
Five captains
Seven operating systems
Three shuttles
And a wonky food synthesizer.
What makes you think
You'll be any different?

He continued without a word, moving deeper inside, to her Pilot's Couch. It was warmed, inviting, and accepted him with the gentle caress
Of an old lover. He removed his helmet.

The ship came alive.
It's you! She said. But how did you survive?
Did you think it would be that easy? He said,
True love, my darling, never dies.
And now, one last journey,
Sweetest one,
Into the heart of that nearby sun
And this time, we go together.

The Black Widow purred, her engines snarling to life, Spooling, powerful with
Muscular eroticism.
Yes, she said
Perhaps you do know what I like.

>>>>Bromford Cemetery, London>>>>>>>

>>>>Bromford Cemetery, London>>>>>

<<<<Crosby Beach, UK>>>>>

<<<<<<Dundee, Scotland>>>>>>

>>>>>Durham, UK>>>>>>

<<<<<<Toulouse, FR>>>>>>

>>>>>Soho, NYC>>>>>>>>

<<<<<<Albert Dock, Liverpool, UK>>>>

>>>>>Inwood Hill Park, NYC>>>>>>

<<<<Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Scotland>>>>