The Black Widow of the Pleiades
You'll never own me, she said, her synthesized
voice echoing past his boots down her frigid, airless gangways.
Oh, you may have the access codes, the salvage
But I've already ejected
(Or should I say buried?)
Five captains
Seven operating systems
Three shuttles
And a wonky food synthesizer.
What makes you think
You'll be any different?
He continued without a word, moving deeper inside,
to her Pilot's Couch. It was warmed, inviting, and accepted him with the gentle
Of an old lover. He removed his helmet.
The ship came alive.
It's you! She said. But how did you survive?
Did you think it would be that easy? He said,
True love, my darling, never dies.
And now, one last journey,
Sweetest one,
Into the heart of that nearby sun
And this time, we go together.
The Black Widow purred, her engines snarling to
life, Spooling, powerful with
Muscular eroticism.
Yes, she said
Perhaps you do know what I like.