Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Dogs of Fort Tryon

The dogs of Fort Tryon
Sup mince from a bowl,
They drink from fine china
On carpets they loll

They bound down the hillsides
With vigor unmatched,
They paw and they pout
Until butts are scratched

There's Ruby the robot
She'll twitch and she'll stare,
She walks on her tiptoes
Pretends you're not there

There's Barkley the pug
Who waddles so fat,
Eyes left and rightly
With ears like a bat

Chaz is a whippet
He leaps and he jumps,
He's known as a rogue
Who smells lots of rumps

Libah is frightened
She's just skin and bones,
Preferring the company
Of toys that she owns

Bella and Lilly
From Boston and France,
Will fight like the devil
If given the chance

See Bubba in harness
He snorts and he pulls,
His legs short and stocky
His chest like a bull's

Old Garbo is grumpy
Her hips get so sore,
Outside for mere seconds
She paws at the door

As hawks keen above them
They sniff and they bark,
Their goal for this evening
Chase woodchucks in the park

The dogs of Fort Tryon
Neurotic yet sweet,
Guaranteed to exhaust
Any Walker they meet
>>>>>Park Slope, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<Park Slope, Brooklyn>>>>

>>>>>Downtown, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<Boerum Hill, Brooklyn>>>>

<<<<<Fort Greene, Brooklyn>>>

<<<Savannah, GA>>>

<<<Glasgow, Scotland<<<<

>>>Vinegar Hill, Brooklyn>>>>